User manual available for download or accessible from the software.Active user forums that help solve design problems and give guidance.

Regular free online trainings and free support through dedicated experts.3 modules with identical user interfaces.

The software’s flexibility also means EAGLE is ever growing in its capabilities and workflow compatibility, demonstrated by the hundreds of extensions (ULPs) openly available to all users and its structured XML file format. The openness of EAGLE design resources, such as its extensive and fully-open component libraries, ease the design process for all. The simplicity of the software provides a fast learning curve, even for those new to PCB design. With a large and active engineering and support community and an extensive ecosystem, EAGLE offers much more than pure circuit design. EAGLE, the Easy Applicable Graphical Layout Editor is a powerful PCB design software tailored to meet the needs of professional engineers, makers and those at school!įor more than 25 years, EAGLE has been the PCB design tool of choice for hundreds of thousands of electronic design engineers and developers worldwide.